We Install Aprilaire® Whole House Humidity Control Products

+52...+63° F
  • Control health

Maintaining the right humidity level throughout your home not only helps keep your nasal passages and airways healthy, it helps reduce colds and the flu. Even the common cold can be controlled with proper humidity.


  • Protect your home

A whole-home humidifier can help keep your possessions protected. Furniture, hardwood floors, musical instruments and electronics are all safer when your home is properly humidified.


  • Increase comfort and energy efficiency

Optimal humidity can also help you stay warmer at cooler temperatures. That means you can lower your thermostat and save energy, thereby lowering your heating costs.




The Aprilaire Model 700 Humidifier is our best seller. The 700 Model is a whole-home solution that helps you achieve total comfort through humidity control in the winter. The Model 700 uses a built-in fan that pulls heated air directly from the furnace.


Model 700 features:


  •  Evaporation capacity of 0.75 gallons per hour—among the highest capacity humidifiers sold.
  •  Humidifies tightly constructed homes up to 4,200 square foot in size.
  •  Features truly automatic control.
  •  Delivers optimum levels of humidity control with the Automatic Digital Humidifier Control.
  •  Provides vital service, temperature and relative humidity indicators in manual mode as well.
  •  Performs quietly with simple annual maintenance.
  •  You never have to monitor your settings or wait until you feel uncomfortable.

The Aprilaire Model 1850* Dehumidifier is a high-capacity solution that helps you achieve total comfort through humidity control. It is installed as part of your home's heating and cooling system. The 1850 pulls air from every room in your home through the return ducts. Then, it removes the moisture and sends dry air back throughout your home. It works in conjunction with your air conditioner to efficiently balance the humidity levels in your home, but can also work independently on days when you don't need the air conditioner.


Model 1850 features:


  • Removes up to 95 pints (11 7/8 gallons) of moisture per day!
  • Provides dehumidification for homes up to 5,200 square feet
  • Comes with a 5-year warranty
  • Made in USA
  • Is placed in the basement, crawlspace, or condominium / townhome utility closet.
  • Has undergone rigorous reliability and durability testing, assuring the high-quality performance you expect and deserve.
  • Uses automatic humidity sensing for efficient and effective removal of excess humidity in you home.
  • Includes a built-in, easy to use control.
  • Performs quietly installed away from your living space.
  • Requires low-maintenance. No messy trays to empty; simple once a year filter cleaning or replacement. (part number 5443)

    *Other Models/Capacities Available


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PO BOX 1068
Memphis, Tennessee 38101